The year 2013 was full of physical achievements on the field. As a matter of fact, during this year, the project went on installing equipment for the improvement of fishery products, construction of landing sites, construction of community infrastructures, Lake Tanganyika watersheds protection, community reforestation activities, supporting the National Institute for Environment and Nature Conservation (INECN) and the General Directorate for Environment and Water (DGREA) for activities regarding rehabilitation of nature reserves along Lake Tanganyika and physical and biological buffer zone delimitation. Further training / sensitization sessions for grassroots socio-professional associations, the Water, Fisheries and Aquaculture Directorate (DEPA) executives and agents and fishing management committee members were organized.

The Coordination Team went on developing invitations for bids for the procurement of various equipment items planned by the project. Monitoring of the project activities continued through production of quarterly activity reports. Monitoring was also reinforced by two supervision missions from ADB, on-site visits conducted by the Steering Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Lake Tanganyika Authority.

The project sectoral goal is to contribute to poverty reduction in the Lake Tanganyika Basin. More specifically, the project aims to: (i) improve the social and health conditions in Lake Tanganyika basin; (ii) improve the populations’nutritional status.

The project components are: (A): Institutional Capacity Building; (B): Fisheries Management and Environmental Protection; (C): Rural Infrastructure and Local Development; and (D) Project Management.


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