The funds for carrying out the activities of PRODAP were obtained through the loan from the African Development Fund, and other complementary financings including the Counterpart of the Burundian Government.
In terms of capacity building,
Also, the fisheries monitoring systems put in place allowed the seizure and destruction of more than 5,000 unauthorised gear and nets; the increase in biodiversity and the reappearance of endangered species around the areas of the spawning grounds protected from illegal fishing.
The practice of drying fish on sand has completely disappeared with the multiplication of drying areas etc.
- In terms of construction,
The PRODAP project had an impact on four levels:
The impact on the functioning of the Administration targeting administrative officers in fisheries and the environment, via:
- The improvement of the working environment through rehabilitated buildings, new furniture and office and computer equipment has significantly increased the attendance at work and the level of productivity of staff who provide accurate work.
- The number of users using the administrative services beneficiaries (Fisheries and Environment) has increased as a result of the improvement of their credibility vis-à-vis the public that they frame for the sustainable exploitation of the Lake.
The impact on the knowledge and management of fisheries resources targeting the government, the Administration, the fishing industry, namely:
- The creation and training of 20 fisheries management committees allowed for well-structured supervision of fishermen in production management (compliance with periods of fishing stoppages) and improved monitoring.
- On the base of the framework and socio-economic survey reports, the degradation of fisheries resources due to the very significant increase in environmental pressures from fishers is reported. The identification of local government officials and actors in the fishing industry of prohibited fishing gear and fishing techniques, subject to penalties
The identification, delineation and protection of spawning areas against bad fishing practices has been made, with the consequent improvement of production and the reappearance of extinct fish species following the destruction of these areas.Awareness of the need to manage the structures for collecting statistical data on catches is increased throughout the decision-making tool and a means of rational management of the resources of Lake Tanganyika…
- The impact of the Project on local development targeting the population and the administration
- The construction of schools in the overcrowded waterfront area thus contributes to national programmes of access to education for all in general and the culture of children of fishers, in particular. The establishment of health centres and the construction of latrines contributing to improving health conditions and, to prevent cholera epidemics present in the project area, to improve maternal/child health, to contribute to the reduction of the HIV/AIDS rate, etc
- Cold systems (cold rooms, ice factories) and systematic drying on clays reduce post-fishing losses and improves the quantity and quality of the product treated and preserved according to quality and hygiene standards; and inreases fishermen’s incomes.
The rehabilitated trails allow the opening of fishing villages, access to the coast and promote trade.
The impact of the Project on the management of Lake Tanganyika as a whole with the target Lac Tanganyika Authority / Member Countries:
- The harmonisation of political and regulatory frameworks is imminent between the four neighbouring countries to pave the way for enhanced cooperation with a view to regional integration.
- The joint surveillance conducted in patrol with the use of boats and communication equipment by countries promotes the fight against illegal and unsustainable fishing on the Lake and constitutes a deterrent practice in this area.
The fishing committees set up on all the main landing beaches play the key role in the management of the fishing industry in general, the control and destruction of prohibited fishing gear, the monitoring of spawning areas to increase production.